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Current books:
Mathematics for the Digital Age and Programming in Python by Maria Litvin and Gary Litvin
Statistics In Plain English by Timothy C. Urdan
Recent books:
- Practical Machine Learning in R by Fred Nwanganga, Mike Chapple
- Statistical Inference via Data Science: A ModernDive into R and the Tidyverse by Chester Ismay and Albert Y. Kim
- The Nature of Code by Daniel Shiffman
- Story: Substance, Structure, Style and the Principles of Screenwriting by Robert McKee
- The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature by Matt Ridley
Category Archives: Technology
YouTube Data API Quota
Google has reduced the quota for my application after demanding a compliance audit. I have submitted the form for the audit many times but I never get any kind of response. Here is a message they sent me when they … Continue reading
Posted in Programming, Technology, Web, YouTube
Tagged API Usage Quota, Google Cloud, Youtube API
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I Bought A Gaming PC
I have not written a blog post in a long time. But I do have some major news as far as my home office goes. I have finally bought a new PC! I had been using the same PC for … Continue reading
Posted in Hardware, Technology
Tagged Elden Ring., GeForce RTX 3080, Skytech Prism II, Windows 11
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Implementing Matrix Multiplication Algorithms Discovered By DeepMind’s AlphaTensor
Last week there was a lot of excitement when DeepMind’s AlphaTensor discovered some new algorithms for doing matrix multiplication. Implementing these algorithms in Python should have been a trivial task but I could not find any source code. After a … Continue reading
Posted in Artificial Intelligence, Programming, Python, Technology
Tagged AlphaTensor, DeepMind, Math, Matrix Multiplication, Python
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5,000 Web Pages in Technology Notes
As I have been studying programming and technology in general, I have been recording what I have learned in my technology notes. I typically create a web page on a topic or to document a code snippet. This serves as … Continue reading
Williamsport Web Developer Finally Has Broadband
I have finally replaced my Verizon DSL service with Xfinity Performance Internet. I should have done this a long time ago. My download speed has gone from 0.73 megabytes per second to 18.2 megabytes per second and my upload speed … Continue reading
How To Create A Non-Fungible Token On Rarible
I am now interested in non-fungible tokens as a way to market my digital art. I have been creating digital art using Processing, the computer programming language for creating art. The type of art you can create is mostly geometric … Continue reading
Posted in crypto-currency, General, Technology
Tagged Coinbase, Ethereum, Fortmatic, NFT, non-fungible token, Rarible
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Artificial Intelligence
I have been studying Artificial Intelligence since 2017. That is four years. And I have learned nothing. Well, that is not quite true. I have gotten pretty familiar with the terminology. However, after fours years of intense effort I still … Continue reading
Computer Science Research
I have not written a blog post in a long time but that does not mean I have not been working on my computer science skills. Actually I have significantly advanced my programming skills. I just have not taken the … Continue reading
WWDBooks E-Commerce Site Shutting Down
I will be shutting down my demonstration Drupal E-Commerce web site, wwdbooks.com. This site was not getting any traffic. It has become an unnecessary expense. I will do my Search Engine Optimization research using my playwriting web site at http://robertsrobbins.com/. … Continue reading
Posted in Drupal, General, Technology
Tagged Drupal, E-Commerce, Search Engine Optimization
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DeepSpeech on the Jetson Nano
DeepSpeech is an open source speech recognition engine developed by Mozilla. It uses machine learning to convert speech to text. Since it relies on TensorFlow and Nvidia’s CUDA it is a natural choice for the Jetson Nano which was designed … Continue reading
The Year 2038 Problem
I have not written a technical blog post in a long time. Yesterday I learned about the Year 2038 Problem and I wrote some code to demonstrate the problem. The Year 2038 Problem involves Unix time which is the number … Continue reading
Jetson Nano Developer Kit
I recently bought my first single board computer, the Jetson Nano Developer Kit. This single board computer is intended for artificial intelligence development. It is sort of like a Raspberry Pi for AI. The main reason I bought this device … Continue reading
Posted in General, Programming, Technology
Tagged artificial intelligence, CUDA cores, Jetson Nano Developer Ki, machine learning
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The Painter 8 Wow! Book
At work I usually read a book during my lunch break after eating my packed lunch. I sometimes pick a book that I just want to finally get through. But often I read a technology book that will be seen … Continue reading
Posted in General, Graphics, Technology, Web Design
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YouTube Data Backup Tool Bug Fix
Today I fixed a bug in my YouTube Data Backup Tool. The problem was the view count for a video could be larger than the maximum size of an integer. The solution was to change the data type for the … Continue reading
Posted in Business, Programming, Technology
Tagged GitHub, Visual Studio 2013, YouTube Data Backup Tool
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Creative Coding
I have almost finished reading “Processing for Visual Artists: How to Create Expressive Images and Interactive Art” by Andrew Glassner. And not a day goes by when I do not learn how to do something new in Processing.js. For example, … Continue reading
Studying Artificial Intelligence
Since at least April 2017 I have been studying artificial intelligence. So far this has been an idle line of research since I have not found any practical use of artificial intelligence software, but it remains a fascinating subject. I’ve … Continue reading