Generative Art NFTs

As a computer programmer, I am constantly learning new things and developing new interests. I have not been keeping my blog readers up to date on what I am working on. For the past four years I have been experimenting with creative coding using Processing.js and now p5.js. Processing.js was the JavaScript version of Processing, but it has been abandoned in favor of p5.js. I am currently working more with p5.js, although I really prefer Processing.js  which works better in Internet Explorer. I’m not ready to abandon Internet Explorer since help collections built for the Microsoft Document Explorer still use Internet Explorer. Most of my notes on Processing.js include fully functional sample code. I can only do that for some of the less complicated p5.js sketches.

Anyway, I have finally found a use for my creative coding experimentation besides Open Processing. Now I am focused on improving some of my generative art experiments for fxhash.  fxhash is a web site where generative artists can create generative tokens that art collectors can use to mint NFTs on the Tezos blockchain. In other words, this site allows you to create and sell NFTs which are generated by JavaScript code. This is very technical which greatly reduces the competition. Not only do you need to write the JavaScript code to create art (usually abstract art), you must also factor in some random variables so the art work can vary according to the token hash. You also need to be familiar with Node.js to use the webpack boilerplate that is provided for developing a new project. Fortunately my extensive programming skills already included a little Node.js. I was using it to learn React.

I have been able to improve several of my experiments for fxhash and I have even managed to sell a few NFTs. This is very encouraging. I do have to say that this requires a lot of effort for very meager rewards. None of my projects have “minted out” which is to say I have not sold as many editions as I allowed. I seem to only sell two or three per project. Given the current price of Tezos this means I only earn $2.00 or $3.00 after spending hours struggling with complicated JavaScript and a complicated process of minting a generative token.

Still it is exciting to participate in a genuine artist community which is seen as being quite innovative in the crypto NFT space. I like the fact that the marketplace will reward you not just based on your technical skills in programming but also on your cleverness. You need a clever idea on what can be done with p5.js to stand out from the crowd of generative artists who tend to always produce to same abstract designs based on what p5.js is capable of doing. There are online virtual galleries and art museums to showcase generative art. You can function as an artist, an art collector, and an investor. A few artists have made thousands of dollars but these were the ones who got involved early. However, the technology is evolving so there are still opportunities to be an early adopter. For example, decentralized exchanges and liquidity pools are being developed for NFTs and it is possible to get involved in that before it explodes.

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