I went into business for myself three months ago. It has gone surprisingly well. I now have just three clients but they keep me very busy. I am unable to take on any more clients right now. I do not even have time to learn any new technology. I did learn how to use Windows Movie Maker and I will probably be doing more video production experimentation using Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere Pro.
None of my clients are local companies. I should not have named my business Williamsport Web Developer. I will probably have very little to do with the local Information Technology scene. Williamsport has a lousy economy and employers can be very choosy about who they hire. I do not think they value technical expertise as highly as they should.
I have not been doing much blogging anymore. This blog does not appear to be read by anyone. It just collects a lot of spam and I waste my time deleting spam. I really do not need a blog to promote my business anyway. I am more interested in video blogging right now. It will clearly replace text blogging as more people discover it. But I communicate best through my writing. I may use video in my work if only to impress my clients.
It requires a lot of self discipline to work at home. Fortunately I have a lot of self discipline. I canceled my newspaper delivery and my cable television because they were getting to be too expensive and a real waste of time. This gives me a lot more free time to do my work. There really is not anything to do around here. I live alone so I do not have any relatives or a spouse to distract me. I just have a kitten. Sometimes he attacks me as I am trying to work but mostly he just sleeps.
I should probably be charging more for my services but I am doing alright financially and my rates ensure that my clients will be patient with me.