Elgg 1.5 Widget – Amazon Wish List

Yesterday I upgraded my Amazon Wish List widget for Elgg 1.5. You can download it at http://community.elgg.org/pg/plugins/rsrobbins/read/230079/amazon-wish-list-widget Now that I’ve finally completed my work on the threaded comments for Elgg 1.2 it is time to move on to Elgg 1.5 and upgrading my Amazon Wish List widget was the first step. This widget follows the Elgg best practices more closely than the previous version. I even moved the jquery-flydom-3.1.1.js file into the widget’s mod folder to simplify the installation. The CSS has been moved into the css.php file in the views folder and several strings are now specified in the en.php file so you can more easily create other language files. Now that I’m learning German I’ll want to install a German language pack to my Elgg development site.

Elgg Amazon Wish List Widget

I’m spending a lot of time on Elgg because I’ve seen more interest in customization work on Elgg than anything else. Hopefully I can pick up some new clients doing Elgg customization. Also, my expertise level is higher for this open source web application than it is for any other, with the possible exception of WordPress.

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  1. Pingback: Elgg 1.5 Widget – Amazon Wish List | bllogger

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