PocketPC And iTouch

I recently bought some 2032 watch batteries for my PocketPC because I have not used it in months and lost all my programs. Fortunately I did not lose my MP3s because I store them on my Secure Digital card. I decided to document the programs I like to have installed in my notes. I made note of the files required and the steps that need to be followed to install these programs. It seems likely that I’ll need to repeat the entire process some time in the future. However, I did discover that you can back up your PocketPC to a PC so I did that.

I remember reading about a mobile version of Ning sites back when the Ning Developer Network was worth browsing through but I didn’t think to check it out on my iTouch until recently. You can access the mobile version of any Ning site using the usual web address with a /m at the end:


Those links will even work in Firefox but below are some screenshots of how it looks on my iTouch and PocketPC:

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