I finally got my iBook to work with my wireless network. I have a Buffalo AirStation WHR-HP-G54 wireless access point and my PCs connect automatically without any configuration so I did not learn anything about manual settings. I had to change the 802.11g Encryption Type to TKIP and then enter a huge hex string as the password for the Network Setup Assistant before I could use my iBook wirelessly.
Last night I imported some video from my Panasonic PVGS120 MiniDV Camcorder into my iBook using the firewire cable. Then I made my first video using iMovie. I exported it as a MOV file and uploaded that directly to YouTube.
I plan to take my iBook to the YouTube gathering next month in Philadelphia. Then I can use it to enter the inevitable Stickam chat room. Or I could import my video, edit it, and upload a video to YouTube before anyone else does. But I’ll probably be too busy to do that because I will only be in Philadelphia for two days and I want to shoot a lot of video during that time.