Lycoming County Web Site Switches To DotNetNuke

Tonight I am trying to write a blog post using Windows Live Writer which can be used with WordPress. I see that the Lycoming County web site has switched to DotNetNuke. That means they’ll be using ASP.NET instead of ASP which is what that awful Pennsylvania-Dynamic Site Framework Project (PA-DSF) is using. According to their web site, "This change is a cost-containment measure and will eliminate the County’s previous dependency on two third-party vendors." LOL

DotNetNuke is very popular with ASP.NET developers but I have not done much with it. Today I added many more pages to my Notes. I documented the print media style sheet to control printer output using CSS. I created a new topic on some CSS that will crash Internet Explorer. The most important addition was my notes on .NET Reflector which can be used to decompile .NET assemblies. This should be useful when I need to recover some code from a compiled ASP.NET site. I also documented some recent Windows application work using function keys and embedded resources in C#.

I installed a code snippet plugin for Windows Live Writer so I’m going to test it below:

   1: private void Form1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
   2: {
   3:     if (e.KeyCode == Keys.F5)
   4:     {
   5:         MessageBox.Show("You pressed the F5 function key!");
   6:     }
   7: }

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