In an Active Server Pages script, you can reference a type library using the METADATA tag. This automatically imports the constants from a DLL. It is usually used for ADO constants and eliminates the need for the include file.
<!--METADATA TYPE="TypeLib" NAME="Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.6 Library" UUID="{00000206-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4}" VERSION="2.6" -->
You can do the same thing with a VBScript for Windows Script Host. I like to use these types of scripts for scheduled tasks because you cannot schedule an ASP page to run on schedule. Recently I had to create a VBScript to send out email reminders using the CDO.Message object so I needed to import its type library. The following code allows you to use a type library with Windows Script Host. You must use the WSF file extension because the script will be parsed as XML:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <job id="script1"> <reference guid="CD000000-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D"></reference> <script language="VBScript"> <![CDATA[ ' script code follows here ]]> </script> </job>